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Sunday, May 31, 2020

What Is Hotter Than the Sun?

What’s Hotter Than the Sun and Other Questions From Our Readers

Smithsonian Geologist Liz Cottrell answers your questions in the second season of the National Museum of Natural History’s YouTube series, “The Dr. Is In.” (Smithsonian Institution)
Smithsonian Geologist Liz Cottrell answers your questions in the second season of the National Museum of Natural History’s YouTube series, “The Dr. Is In.” (Smithsonian Institution)

Join Smithsonian Geologist Liz Cottrell as she answers your questions about rocks, volcanoes, hiking and camping in the second season of the National Museum of Natural History’s YouTube series “The Doctor Is In.”

Find out what’s hotter than the sun, how many active volcanoes are in the United States and which national park is Dr. Cottrell’s favorite in the latest episode. Watch it below and submit your questions on YouTube.

And don’t forget to subscribe so you don’t miss the next episode on June 11!

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Anna Torres

Anna Torres is a Public Affairs Specialist at the Smithsonian’s National Museum of Natural History. She translates the museum’s science and history-based research and collections information into compelling stories through media relations and the museum’s blog, with additional duties in communications and public affairs. When she isn’t at the museum, Anna spends her time traveling and playing soccer. Anna holds an MA in history and public history from American University.

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#Nature | https://sciencespies.com/nature/what-is-hotter-than-the-sun/

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