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Thursday, May 28, 2020

Recycling Facts for 2020

Recycling is the art and science of converting and removing waste materials, turning them into something that can be used again. Since the amount of trash is increasing with each year, it is imperative that our global efforts for recycling increase with it. However, is that the case?

Numbers show that only about 13% of all trash is recycled on a worldwide scale. Naturally, the numbers vary among different countries, some are investing more money and effort while others are lagging behind. 

Most of the trash is dumped in landfills where it takes years, decades and even centuries for certain materials to decompose. It is well-known that plastic takes approximately 1,000 years and many of it ends up in our oceans. 

With so many benefits for our society such as the preservation of natural resources energy and protection of the environment and our health, it is a good thing to be aware of the current trends.

In the light of that claim, here is a selected portion of the top recycling statistics for 2020. You can also view the full list of 29 recycling statistics, courtesy of ComfyLiving.net.

The Top 8 Recycling Statistics for 2020

  • About 1,609 pounds of garbage is produced by an average American every year.
  • About 20 billion disposable diapers are thrown away in the US every year.
  • In Sweden, only 1% of trash ends up in landfills.
  • China is the largest producer of plastic packaging waste in the world.
  • You can spare a tree by recycling a 3-foot-high stack of newspapers.
  • Most of the plastic waste isn’t recycled - up to 91%.
  • By 2050, there will be more plastic than fish in the ocean (by weight).
  • Glass doesn’t lose its quality even when recycled over and over again.

#Environment, #Nature | https://sciencespies.com/environment/recycling-facts-for-2020/

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