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Saturday, April 2, 2022

Fires, Then Floods: Risk of Deadly Climate Combination Rises

A new study found that the dangerous pairing of disasters may become more common in the American West as rains trigger runaway surges of mud and debris in areas damaged by wildfire.

Global warming is greatly increasing the risk that extreme wildfires in the American West are followed by heavy rainfall, a new study has found, highlighting the need for better preparations for hazards, like mudslides and flash floods, that can cause devastation long after the flames from severe blazes are out.

Fires ravage forests, wreck homes and kill people and animals, but they also destroy vegetation and make soil less permeable. That makes it easier for even short bursts of heavy rain to cause flooding and runaway flows of mud and debris. Rains after wildfires can also contaminate drinking water by choking rivers and basins with sediment from eroded hillsides.

Scientists believe that human-caused climate change is bringing about more of the hot and dry conditions that lead to catastrophic fires. Warmer air can hold more moisture, which means rainfall is growing more intense, too.

Until now, though, climate researchers studying the Western United States hadn’t tried pinning down how often those two opposite extremes might occur in the same place within a short span of time, said Danielle Touma, a postdoctoral fellow at the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colo., and lead author of the new study.

Three months to half a year after a fire, before the soil and vegetation have had time to recover, “are the times when these events can be really risky,” Dr. Touma said. The study was published on Friday in the journal Science Advances.

Residents of Western states have seen plenty of these one-two punch weather disasters, and their harrowing consequences, in recent years.

Pete Caster/Lewiston Tribune, via Associated Press
R.J. Sangosti/The Denver Post, via Associated Press

In Montecito, Calif., mudslides killed more than 20 people and destroyed hundreds of homes in early 2018, just a month after huge wildfires there sheared the landscape. Severe flooding and mudslides last summer forced Colorado to shut down Interstate 70, a key artery for the entire Western United States, following record fires in the state the year before. Experts believe that wildfires during last year’s record heat wave in the Pacific Northwest worsened the damage from intense downpours that came less than six months later.

The new study uses computer models to project how the frequency of such combined events across the West might change under a high-global-warming scenario for the coming decades.

Climate scientists believe it is less likely than it once was that greenhouse-gas emissions from human activity will bring about such high levels of warming on their own. The authors of the study said that they expected smaller but still significant increases in rainfall following wildfires under less-pessimistic pathways for global warming.

The study finds that by the end of the century, more than half of days with extremely high wildfire risk in parts of the Pacific Northwest, Idaho, Nevada and Utah could be followed by severe downpours within a year. The fraction is smaller for California and Colorado, the study found, though it is still considerably more than the average between 1980 and 2005. And the increase is significant both within six months of severe fire days and within a year.

Western Colorado and most of the Pacific Northwest are also projected to see a jump in the chance of heavy rains within three months of dangerous fire conditions. In California, the wildfire season and the rainy season tend to be more separate during the year.

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