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Wednesday, April 27, 2022

From King Cobras to Geckos, 20 Percent of Reptiles Risk Extinction

The first global analysis of its kind found that logging and farming are taking away reptile habitat at an unsustainable pace, exacerbating a worldwide decline in biodiversity.

About 20 percent of reptile species risk extinction, mainly because people are taking away their habitats for agriculture, urban development and logging, according to the first global reptile assessment of its kind.

From inch-long geckos to the iconic king cobra, at least 1,829 species of reptiles, including lizards, snakes, turtles and crocodiles, are threatened, the study found.

The research, published Wednesday in Nature, adds another dimension to a substantial body of scientific evidence that points to a human-caused biodiversity crisis similar to climate change in the vast effect it could have on life on Earth. “It’s another drumbeat on the path to ecological catastrophe,” said Bruce Young, co-leader of the study and a senior scientist at NatureServe, a nonprofit conservation research group. Such a collapse threatens humans because healthy ecosystems provide necessities like fertile soil, pollination and water supplies.

Among reptiles, particularly hard hit are turtles, with almost 60 percent of species at risk of extinction, and crocodiles, with half. In addition to habitat loss, both groups are depleted by hunting and fishing.

But the results also brought a sense of relief. Scientists have known far less about the needs of reptiles as compared with mammals, birds and amphibians, and they had feared the results would show reptiles slipping away because they required different conservation methods. Instead, the authors were surprised at how neatly the threats to reptiles overlapped with those to other animals.

“There’s no rocket science in protecting reptiles, we have all the tools we need,” Dr. Young said. “Reduce tropical deforestation, control illegal trade, improve productivity in agriculture so we don’t have to expand our agricultural areas. All that stuff will help reptiles, just as it will help many, many, many other species.”

The authors found that climate change played a role the threat faced by 10 percent of species, suggesting that it was not currently a major factor in reptile loss. But the effects could be underrepresented, Dr. Young said, because scientists simply don’t know enough about many reptiles to determine whether a warming planet threatens them in the short term.

Eng Wah Teo/Alamy
Adam Dean for The New York Times

What’s clear is that the victims of climate change, reptilian and otherwise, will increase dramatically in coming years if world leaders keep failing to adequately rein in greenhouse gas emissions, which mostly come from burning fossil fuels. Last September the Komodo dragon, the largest lizard in the world, was classified as endangered in large part because of the rising temperatures and sea levels caused by climate change.

The reptile assessment includes 52 authors with contributions from more than 900 experts around the world. It took more than 15 years, in part because funding was hard to come by.

“Reptiles, to many people, are not charismatic,” Dr. Young said. “There’s just been a lot more focus on some of the more furry or feathery species.”

The team ultimately assessed 10,196 species. In 48 workshops between 2004 and 2019, groups of local specialists would gather and evaluate species one by one. The findings for each reptile were reviewed by a scientist familiar with the species but not involved with the assessment, and then again by staff from the International Union for Conservation of Nature’s Red List of Threatened Species, the most comprehensive global catalog of the status of animal and plant species.

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