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Sunday, August 15, 2021

COVID-19 In Pregnant Women Endangers Unborn Children

Contracting COVID-19 while pregnant dramatically increases the risk that a woman will give birth before the normal 39-44 weeks of pregnancy. Babies born significantly before term are at higher risk of critical, life-long health problems. The probability of premature and very premature delivery is especially true for women with medical comorbidities including diabetes, hypertension, and obesity. These findings are detailed in a paper in the peer-reviewed journal The Lancet Regional Health - Americasdescribing a new, large population study by researchers at the University of California San Francisco (UCSF) and at the University of California San Diego, the Department of Family Health Care Nursing, the Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health, the San Francisco Department of Public Health, the University of California Berkeley, the Stanford University School of Medicine, and the University of California Davis.

The researchers used birth certificates issued by California Vital Statistics between July 2020 and January 2021 to track the births of 240,147 pregnant women in California. The certificates recorded the race and ethnicity of each woman. Hospital records indicated each woman’s insurance status. Information about COVID-19 was gleaned either from tests at about the time of delivery or from women’s medical records. As acknowledged by the researchers, diagnoses of COVID-19 from early in pregnancies or from women who did not get regular prenatal care were not always captured in the data.


·     About 3.7% of the pregnant women were diagnosed with COVID-19 during pregnancy.

·     A COVID-19 diagnosis increased the odds of very preterm birth (delivery at fewer than 32 weeks), preterm birth (fewer than 37 weeks), and early term birth (37 and 38 weeks).

·     Overall, the women with COVID-19 diagnoses had a preterm + very preterm delivery rate of 11.8%, while women without a diagnosis had preterm + very preterm deliveries at a rate of 8.7%.

·     As perhaps was to be expected from data from the general population in the United States, comorbidities complicated the picture. Women who’d had COVID-19 and who also had hypertension or diabetes or who were obese had a 160% higher risk of very preterm birth and a 100% higher risk of preterm birth.

·     BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and other people of color) pregnant women carried what the scientists called an “outsized burden of the pandemic,” as they contracted COVID-19 at a much higher rate than did white women. Latinx pregnant women, for example, represented 72% of those who’d had COVID-19, yet they represented only 47% of the population studied. The paper noted that the higher rate of contraction may have been linked to “occupational exposures wherein racism and capitalism fundamentally shape COVID-19 disease inequity under the concept of racial capitalism.” [Emphasis is in the original.] The researchers also speculated that higher infection rates among BIPOC pregnant women may have resulted from risk factors like crowding in neighborhoods and buildings.

·     Having public rather than private insurance did not seem to affect the rate of pre-term births.

The researchers acknowledged a few areas for further study. Because they didn’t distinguish between early births that were spontaneous and those that were medically induced, more research is needed to understand spontaneous early deliveries by women who’ve had COVID-19 during their pregnancies. Information about what point in their pregnancies the women contracted COVID-19 was not always available from medical records, and neither was information about the severity of infection. The impacts of timing and severity on birth outcomes both require further study.

According to lead study author Deborah Karaskek, assistant professor in the Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology & Reproductive Sciences at UCSF and a researcher with the California Preterm Birth Initiative at UCSF, the takeaway from the study is that public health officials and doctors should prioritize preventative measures, including vaccination, for pregnant women. Karaskek is especially concerned about the lack of equity for BIPOC women and their families. “With the surge in infections and increase in the Delta variant, we must think about pregnant people, especially Black and Brown populations, as the groups that need to be prioritized, with supportive policies to reduce exposure and stress, and increase access to care.”

The study team included Deborah Karasek PhD, MPH; Rebecca J. Baer MPH; Monica R. McLemore PhD, MPH, RN, FAAN; April J. Bell PhD, MPH; Bridgette E. Blebu PhD, MPH; Joan A. Casey PhD; Kimberly Coleman-Phox MPH; Jean M. Costello; Jennifer N. Felder PhD; Elena Flowers PhD, RN; Jonathan D. Fuchs MD, MPH; Anu Manchikanti Gomez PhD, MScj; Kayla Karvonen MD; Miriam Kuppermann PhD, MPH; Liang Liang PhD; Safyer McKenzie-Sampson MSPH; Charles E. McCulloch PhD; Scott P. Oltman MS; Matthew S Pantell MD, MS; Xianhua Piao MD, PhD; Aric A. Prather PhD; Rebecca J. Schmidt PhD; Karen A. Scott MD, MPH, FACOG; Solaire Spellen MPH; Jodi D Stookey PhD; Martha Tesfalul MD; Larry Rand MD; and Laura L.Jelliffe-Pawlowski PhD, MS.

#News | https://sciencespies.com/news/covid-19-in-pregnant-women-endangers-unborn-children/

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