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Thursday, February 10, 2022

Geniuses And Craftsmen In The History Of Timekeeping

One of the items last week’s list of surprising things I learned when doing research for A Brief History of Timekeeping (now available in both the US and UK) was that many of the key innovations are anonymous. I knew going in that I didn’t know the name of the inventor of the first mechanical clock, but I just sort of assumed that it would be known to history. The origin of mechanical clocks remains murky, though— they just sort of appear on the European scene in the 1200s, without any solid attribution to an individual inventor.

Seen from one angle, this is a big surprise— a technology as important as clocks seems like the sort of thing somebody would want to claim credit for. In another sense, though, it’s an example of a kind of tension that runs through the whole long history of science. And, in a way, that tension is well illustrated by the story of one of the least anonymous inventions ever.

Probably the best-known book ever written on the subject of timekeeping (I have little chance of displacing it...) is Dava Sobel’s Longitude, which tells the story of the development of the first marine chronometer that could keep time at sea well enough to track longitude. This was the life’s work of the English clockmaker John Harrison, who spent a couple of decades making a series of ever better clocks, and then a couple of decades in a very public fight with the Board of Longitude over whether he should get the prize money that had been offered for a good method to find longitude at sea. Harrison’s chief competition in this was the “Method of Lunar Distances,” which involved measuring the position of the moon relative to the background stars, and then using a set of tables to work backwards to find the time, and thus the longitude.

Sobel’s book is justly famous as a book— it’s a very entertaining read— but it’s also very much taking Harrison’s side in the argument, casting the chief proponent of the Method of Lunar Distances, the Astronomer Royal, Nevil Maskelyne, as the villain. Seen from a slightly different angle— I like the book Ships, Clocks, and Stars edited by Dunn and Higgitt— Maskelyne’s actions are more defensible than they seem in Longitude. Harrison’s watch was a tour de force, but such marine chronometers were enormously expensive, and it took years before they were being made at scale. The materials needed to navigate by “taking lunars” were more readily mass produced, and thus could be had for a tenth the price, so there’s a good case that this was the more “practicable and useful” method, by the terms of the 1714 Longitude Act. And in an era before radio, if a watch stopped while the ship was at sea, it instantly became useless for navigation until it could be re-set by... using something like astronomical measurements and the tables of the Nautical Alamanc to determine the correct time. For that reason, basics of celestial navigation are still taught at the US Naval Academy, as a hedge against a failure of the Global Positioning System.

But I actually want to quibble with a different part of Sobel’s book, namely the subtitle: “The True Story of a Lone Genius Who Solved the Greatest Scientific Problem of His Time.” There are a few things in there you could pick up on and argue with, but the one with bearing on the anonymity issue is the characterization of Harrison as a “Lone Genius.”

There’s a veritable industry of people, particularly online, who object to the G-word itself, arguing that there’s no such thing as “genius,” and that the entire concept is harmful to science and society. I don’t think I would go quite that far— I’m open to the idea that some discoveries are sufficiently tied to the insight of particular individuals as to be difficult to distinguish from the common idea of “genius.” I don’t think, though, that I would put Harrison in this camp— I think he might more properly be considered a master craftsman.

This is not to say that Harrison’s achievements were not impressive and innovative, mind— even before he got into the sea-going clock game, he was doing cool stuff like making a “self-lubricating” clock with wooden gears, or inventing the “gridiron pendulum” that compensates for changes in temperature by exploiting the different expansion rates of different metals. His crowning achievement, the “watch” now known as “H4” incorporates a number of these touches, like low-friction bearings and jeweled surfaces, and a bimetallic strip to compensate for temperature changes by pressing on the balance spring to change its length.

At the same time, though, Harrison’s work doesn’t have the level of conceptual inspiration that would normally be called “genius.” He didn’t invent the idea of using a really good clock to determine longitude— that came from Gemma Frisius, two centuries earlier— he just solved a lot of the technical issues that had made it seem an impossible task. (Anybody writing about this is obliged to cite Jean-Baptiste Morin’s declaration, fifty-plus years after Frisius and decades before Harrison was born, that “I do not know if the Devil will succeed in making a longitude timekeeper but it is folly for man to try.”) The core elements of Harrison’s watch are all things that already existed in the world of precision timekeeping— balance springs, fusees, remontoires, etc.

What sets Harrison’s watch apart is craftsmanship. He designed and built it to exacting standards, tweaking those pre-existing ideas to elevate them to a high degree of refinement. This was accomplished not through a flash of genius, but years of hard, unglamorous work to find the absolute best combinations of materials and techniques to make the watch as accurate as it could be. These, in turn, were picked up and further improved by his successors— Larcum Kendall, John Arnold, and Thomas Earnshaw, among others— to allow more efficient manufacturing of enough watches for marine chronometers to become widespread.

The same is true, it should be noted, of Harrison’s chief rivals. The Method of Lunar Distances was made practical in large part through the work of the German cartographer and astronomer Tobias Mayer, who drew up a set of “lunar tables” predicting the position of the Moon at various dates and times that were sufficiently accurate to be useful for navigation. Mayer’s tables were based on the mathematical work of Leonhard Euler and Alexis Claude Clairaut, who in turn were applying the physics of Isaac Newton to the problem of determining the Moon’s orbit around the Earth and Sun. But mostly, they were the result of hard, unglamorous work: painstaking observations of the Moon over a period of years, and lengthy tedious calculations. These were put into a seaman-friendly form by yet more tedious calculation, by Harrison’s bête noire Maskelyne and a team at the Royal Observatory.

(Mayer submitted his tables and was awarded £3,000 from the Board of Longitude for his work(paid to his widow). Leonhard Euler got £300, unsolicited, for his part in the calculations (it’s good to be famous...).)

And this speaks to the ultimate reason why some of the most critical inventions of the history of timekeeping are anonymous: because they’re the work of anonymous craftsmen, not celebrated geniuses. We don’t know who invented the first mechanical clock, but it was almost certainly somebody playing around with the elements of existing water clocks, which used floats to trigger elaborate displays powered by springs and falling weights. It’s not hard to imagine somebody tasked with maintaining such a device thinking “There’s got to be a way to just use the springs and weights, and get rid of all this damn water.” A bit of tinkering, and pretty soon there are verge-and-foliot clocks ticking away in church towers all over Europe.

This, in turn, points to the tension at the heart of the long history of science, namely the distinction between “science” and “technology.” There’s a tradition going back thousands of years that celebrates the achievement of “geniuses” who develop new abstract ideas as science, while all too often forgetting the essential role of the craftsmen (and craftswomen) who turn those ideas into useful technology. As the story of longitude illustrates, though, you can’t really have one without the other. You need folks like Frisius and Newton and Euler to come up with the inspired ideas, but they don’t become useful without the hard work of folks like Harrison and Mayer who are willing to get their hands dirty. And those improved clocks and tables set the stage for new ideas, which lead to new technologies, and so on through the centuries.

#News | https://sciencespies.com/news/geniuses-and-craftsmen-in-the-history-of-timekeeping/

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