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Saturday, April 4, 2020

Webinar | OneWeb’s Bankruptcy: Impacts and Implications for the Satellite Industry

OneWeb, the megaconstellation startup that aimed to deploy 650 LEO satellites to provide global broadband service, filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy March 27 with just 74 satellites in orbit.

  • Why did OneWeb fail?

  • What’s likely to become of its assets?

  • Who is positioned to benefit from OneWeb’s bankruptcy? Who stands to lose?

  • Is the coronavirus pandemic really to blame for the company’s inability to stave off bankruptcy?

  • Are there other parts of the industry vulnerable to the pandemic?

Join us Tuesday, April 7 from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. EDT for a live discussion of OneWeb’s bankruptcy and its impacts and implications for the satellite industry.

SpaceNews Editor-in-Chief Brian Berger and SpaceNews Staff Writer Caleb Henry will lead this timely discussion and take your questions for our expert group of analysts.

Our panelists

Chris Quilty
Founder and Partner, Quilty Analytics

Claude Rousseau
Research Director,  Northern Sky Research

Janice Starzyk
Vice President of Commercial Space, Bryce Space & Technology

To register for this free, live discussion go to: https://us04web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_VGKCSaShSxiTsxKC9hJ-Bw

#Space | https://sciencespies.com/space/webinar-onewebs-bankruptcy-impacts-and-implications-for-the-satellite-industry/

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