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Thursday, July 18, 2019

The Sun Will Eventually Boil The Earth. Have A Nice Day.

It should come as no surprise that eventually the Earth is going to die. Us humans are doing a pretty good job of making life - and especially our level of civilization that we currently enjoy - difficult here on the surface, but the worst that humans can do, whether it's climate change or nuclear war, won't completely eradicate life off the Earth. After all, life has survived worse hardships in the past few billion years than a few pesky humans, so even if we erase ourselves off the map, the game of life will still keep going.

But there are other, cosmic, forces that will eventually do life in for good, and perhaps even the entire planet itself.

Right now sun is our life-giver, pouring energy onto our surface continuously for billions of years. Almost all life on Earth derives its energy in some form or another from the sun.

But as our sun ages it slowly, steadily, and inexorably increases in brightness. The dinosaurs tens of millions of years ago new a slightly smaller, slightly dimmer sun. This brightening has nothing to do with climate change - it's much too slow for that - but on geologic time scales it's a real threat.

It's hard to predict exactly when, but in about a few hundred million years (the blink of a cosmic eye) the surface of the Earth will start getting a little too hot under its proverbial collar. The intensity of the sun at that point will be so incredible that the temperatures on the surface will start to climb and climb, going haywire.

Our oceans will start to get too warm and evaporate too much, dumping too much water vapor into the atmosphere. The water vapor will accelerate the greenhouse gas effect, causing the surface temperatures to skyrocket, which will cause even more water to evaporate, which will increase the greenhouse temperatures, and so on and so on in a vicious upward cycle. Eventually we'll run out of water.

Even our atmosphere, by then thick and choking, will eventually lose its strength as the increased temperatures from the sun cause it to steadily evaporate into the vacuum of space.

Within about a hundred million years or so the Earth will be nothing but a scorched wasteland. Could life survive in these hellish conditions in some tiny pocket or under the surface? Perhaps there might be hope.

But probably not. Have a nice day, and enjoy it while it lasts.

#News | https://sciencespies.com/news/the-sun-will-eventually-boil-the-earth-have-a-nice-day/

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