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Thursday, July 18, 2019

Nine Critical Technologies For Feeding The World Without Destroying It

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve probably heard this prediction: the world’s population is expected to reach 9.8 billion people by the year 2050. That’s a lot of mouths to feed on a planet that has increasingly limited resources. So, how can we feed that many people in a way that doesn’t destroy the planet? The World Resources Institute, a global research organization that studies sustainability, has just a few ideas on this. Well, it has 22 ideas to be exact, a full menu of recommendations detailed in its most recent report released yesterday, July 17.

These 22 recommendations are fairly sweeping, with proposals for regulators, eaters and producers alike, but innovators have an important role to play too. The report’s authors say new and not-so-new technologies are critical to making agriculture more efficient and sustainable on a global scale. Here are nine examples of technologies that can help feed the future sustainably:

1. Apeel’s Shelf-life Extending Fruit Coating. “25% of arable land is used for food that never sees the table,” says Geeta Sethi, an advisor on food systems for the World Bank who described the epic scope of the global food waste problem at an event held yesterday at WRI’s offices. With more mouths to feed on a global scale, it’s more important than ever for consumers to stop wasting food, the authors of the report say.

Rescued food waste alone can’t feed the planet, of course, now or in the future, but technology like the all-natural spray coating designed by Apeel can help extend the shelf-life of produce, and that makes this technology an important part of the solution. (Read more about Apeel produce here).

2. The Impossible Burger. For eaters looking to reduce greenhouse gas emissions through their dietary choices, lead author Tim Searchinger says it’s critical to eat less ruminant meat, that is, beef and lamb, since GHG emissions are just so much higher for beef and lamb than for other animal-based protein sources.

The good news, says researcher and co-author Richard Waite, is that “we don’t all have to become vegans or vegetarians or even stop eating beef.” You just need to eat less beef, and one technology that could help with that effort is a tasty plant-based meat-substitute like the Impossible Burger. While there are many companies in the plant-based protein space, Impossible uses technology like genetic engineering to create their iron-rich heme, which is the crucial and unique ingredient that helps the Impossible burger taste more like beef.

3. Birth control. Another way to reduce demand for food, according to lead author Tim Searchinger, is to encourage voluntary reductions in fertility levels by providing access to reproductive health services like family planning and contraception. So while obviously not an agricultural technology, given the number of women working in agriculture today, it’s a technology that’s nonetheless critical (along with education) for improving conditions for smallholder farmers across the globe.

4. High-Tech Crop Breeding, including GMOs. From lower methane emitting rice varieties to Bt corn to drought-resistant wheat, these crops have been enhanced by genetic engineering and other modern breeding methods to feed more people sustainably, the authors of the report say. That doesn’t mean genetically modified food is above criticism or that the technology offers a single solution for feeding the planet sustainably. Genetic engineering is just one tool, but it’s a vital one for breeding better crops, that is, plants designed to yield more food with less resources.

5. Better Fish Feed. According to the report, fish consumption is likely to rise dramatically in the coming years, that is, 58% between 2010 and 2050. But numbers for most wild fish catch have already peaked (most peaked in the mid-1990s), which means the only way to meet this increased demand is from farmed fish or aquaculture, an excellent sustainable protein source. Fish farming tends to take up only about the same amount of land as poultry farming, with greenhouse gas emissions around the same as pork and poultry, which is much less than beef.

Still, fish farming needs to become both more productive and more sustainable, according to Searchinger, who recommends fish farming operations work to adopt more efficient water circulation methods and better feed options for their fish. One promising new type of fish food is algae-based, because the algae boosts the nutritional profile of the farmed fish to be closer to their wild counterparts (the fish who get to dine on algae whenever they please).

6.  Methane-Reducing Cattle Feed Additive. Plenty of people will still be eating beef in the future, say the authors of the report, even if all of WRI’s recommendations are followed, but there are several technologies that could help make beef more sustainable. Researchers are working on new types of compounds that can be added to cattle feed, for example, to reduce their methane emissions. One such compound works by attaching itself to one of the cow’s many digestive enzymes, disabling that enzyme and reducing the animal’s methane emissions by up to 30%.

7. Emissions-Reducing Grasses. One of the largest environmental problems caused by agriculture today is from excess nutrients from manure, owing primarily to chemical reactions that occur as the manure breaks down in the soil or water. But researchers in Latin America found that manure deposited on a particular variety of the Brachiaria grass generates almost no nitrous oxide emissions, and the trait that’s responsible for that mitigation could be bred into other grasses and then planted widely across pasture.

Fertilizer companies are also working on solutions. Researchers at the German fertilizer company EuroChem, for example, are working to identify compounds for fertilizer additives that could inhibit some of fertilizer’s most noxious emissions.

8. Biodigesters. Dairy biodigesters aren’t a perfect technology, the authors of the report caution. Some of these massive machines leak and others have been made less efficient thanks to too much food waste in the digestive mix, but overall the technology is a good thing for making farms more sustainable. The report’s authors found that the most sophisticated digesters can achieve fairly large emissions reductions, with even better gains to be had for the ones that can produce measurable biogas energy that reduces reliance on fossil fuels.

9. Mobile phones. One of the most important ways farmers can improve their production methods is just by talking to other farmers. According to the report’s authors, “mobile phones are becoming a widespread tool for information sharing,” whether it’s through a website like the Farmers Business Network in the U.S. or, “the Web Alliance for Re-greening in Africa [that] has developed a “Web of Voices” [to link] the use of mobile phones with radio stations and the internet.” Increasing connectivity between farmers can help lead to increased sustainability, as farmers are able to easily and quickly learn more from each other within their own communities.

Many of these technologies, while promising, are still being researched, so it’s difficult to predict their impact. Speaking at the WRI offices yesterday, Searchinger says what’s desperately needed is less of a “holistic plan” and more of a “targeted effort” to make these technologies a viable reality.

#News | https://sciencespies.com/news/nine-critical-technologies-for-feeding-the-world-without-destroying-it/

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