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Saturday, June 22, 2019

What Are Some Of The Most Overrated Health And Wellness Trends?

What are some of the most overrated health/wellness trends? originally appeared on Quora: the place to gain and share knowledge, empowering people to learn from others and better understand the world.

Answer by Tero Isokauppila, Founder of Four Sigmatic, Finnish American Superfood Company, on Quora:

Whether it’s breathwork, YouTube yoga, a silent retreat, or a digital detox—you can’t really go anywhere these days without hearing about some new wellness trend.

And it’s no wonder.

After decades of Americans heavily medicating to feel better, the pendulum is beginning to swing in the other direction. Right now, Americansspend more money on healthcarethan anywhere else in the world, and arguably, remain theleast healthyhigh-income nation.

At the same time, we’re living much longer now than in decades past. But we don’t only want to live longer—we want to livebetter, even into old age. So we look to health foods, supplements, and alternative medicine to help maintain good health rather than waiting to treat poor health down the road.

And, in today’s hyper-competitive world, we’re down to try anything that might give us a competitive edge—whether at work, the gym, or in our everyday habits.

With “wellness” hitting peak trendiness, it seems every day there’s a new product promising a healthier and happier life. Some—like natural foods and time-tested supplements—are worth your while. But many are, at best, a waste of money, and at worst, potentially harmful.

Instead of just buying whatever you see advertised online, let time-tested, well-studied, and natural ingredients be your guide.

Here’s what to be wary of, and which “trends” actually have staying power:

1. Skip: High-intensity exercises—with poor form. Try: Uphill running.

When CrossFit came on the fitness scene in 2010, it quickly became one of the most popular ways to exercise.

It’s easy to see why: high-intensity interval training (HIIT) workouts like CrossFit have may potentially help you manage your weight, and may even support healthyblood pressure. And because they pack such an intense workout into a short period of time, you wind up burning more calories faster.

The problem is, most people who start a HIIT program aren’t adequately prepared for it, especially if weights are included.

First-timers typically lack the stamina needed to actually benefit from the workout. And if they’re new to it, they also probably aren’t exercising with the proper form—especially in group classes, where it’s almost impossible for instructors to catch every little mistake.Injuries run rampant—shoulder injuries in particular.

If you want to try high-intensity exercises, I recommend running uphill. It’s free. It’s safe. It builds strength. And when you run uphill, it’s easier to have good form, which means you’re less likely to get injured. Simple body-weight exercises are also great (squats, push-ups, etc.).

Exercise is a crucial component of wellness, but make sure you aren’t throwing yourself into a high-stress activity your body isn’t ready for just because you read it’s “hip.”

2. Skip: The all-out crusade against carbs. Try: Fiber, fiber, fiber.

For a long time, we were told that carbs are good, fats are bad. Now, it’s the opposite—fats are OK, but carbs must be avoided at all costs.

Fads are fickle that way.

The thing is, your body needs both carbs and fats, and they’re both good for you in the right contexts and quantities. Your body also likes change. From an evolutionary perspective, you’re more likely to crave foods rich in good fats—like free-range organic meat and butter—and fewer carbs in the winters, especially in a cold climate like Finland, where I grew up. In the summer, you might crave carbs found in fresh fruit and wild berries.

We’ve all been eating carbs for centuries, and their health benefits are well-documented. Carbohydrates are macronutrients—one of the three basic nutrients (along with protein and fat) necessary in large quantities to sustain your metabolism and all bodily functions.

But today, carbs are woefully misunderstood.

Trendy dieters avoid them like the plague, but they’re your body's main source of energy. They help fuel your brain, kidneys, heart, muscles, and central nervous system. They alsoaid digestion, help keep you feeling full, and keep yourblood cholesterol levelsin check.

That said, not all carbs are good. And you shouldn’t consume themallthe time. Consuming a lot of refined carbs like sugar, white flour, and junk food can spike blood sugar levels. But fibrous carbs that digest slowly are essential to keep your body functioning properly. And even then, you might be better off using them in a more cyclical ways.

Keep in mind: any diet where you’re restricting a macronutrient isn’t going to do you any favors, and might actually be detrimental to your health.

3. Skip: Buzzy beverages. Try: Good ol’ water.

Everywhere you look, there’s a trendy new beverage on the market promising a host of health benefits.

Oat milk claims to energize the lactose-intolerant. And CBD infusions allegedly reduce pain. But the one that always gets me is alkaline water.

Alkaline water is one of the biggest trends in the beverage space today. While it claims to be rich in alkalizing compounds—like calcium, silica, potassium, magnesium, and bicarbonate—there’s actually no proof it does anything positive for your body.

Thebestbeverage in the world is also the oldest: spring water.

But if you’re craving something else, a good rule of thumb is to always read the ingredient labelsbeforeyou try any of these alleged health beverages. Many are high in processed sugar, which is the last thing you need.

When it comes to hydration, stick to the tried and true: water. Plain water.

Here’s how to cut through the hype:

In the midst of today’s wellness craze, it’s hard to know which trends are legitimate and what’s just capitalizing on the hype.

If you search almost any “health food,” for example, you’ll find articles praising its benefits and others warning against its dangers. Everyone has an opinion, and a lot of them sound pretty convincing.

If you’re not sure whether a buzzy food or workout trend is a fleeting trend or here to last, ask yourself:

  • Is it time-worn? Have people have been eating, drinking, or doing it for a long time? Or is it brand new and untested?

  • What’s the current research around it? Have its health benefits been documented in a peer-reviewed journal?

  • What are your specific health and wellness goals? Are you looking to build muscle, support your immune function, or smoothe digestion?

  • Does your body respond well to it? Does it energize you or make you feel ill?

When you find something that works for you, you’ll know.

A lot of my friends tried Bikram yoga when it was all the rage, but they were embarrassed to take their shirts off and found the whole experience a bit uncomfortable. They should've just gone bowling. Bowling may not be as good a workout, but if you're having fun and laughing, you're probably going to live longer than if you’re stressing out about your sweaty belly.

Another good rule of thumb is to go for natural products that have been around for a long time.Mushrooms like reishi, chaga, and lion’s mane are the cornerstone of my company Four Sigmatic because people have been eating them for millennia.

Remember that most of the things that are good for us have already been invented by Mother Nature.

The wisdom’s already out there—you just have to separate the good from the fad.

This question originally appeared on Quora - the place to gain and share knowledge, empowering people to learn from others and better understand the world. You can follow Quora on Twitter and Facebook. More questions:

#News | https://sciencespies.com/news/what-are-some-of-the-most-overrated-health-and-wellness-trends/

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